ECigarette looks, feels and smokes just like a real cigarette, but has none of the harmful substances found in real cigarette. It emits avirtually odourless vapour that simulates actual smokes, but dissipates quickly in the air.
You can enjoy the ECigarette in places where regular cigarette are PROHIBITED, even in bed.
-ECigarette eliminates the dangers of second-hand smoke, so you cha smoke around others without causing ill efects. While there may be a faint scent for a few second, there is virtually no smess sa the vapour quickly vanishes.
Eliminate the nasty smell, messy ashes and cigarette butts.
Eliminates bad breath and smoke odour on your body and clothes, as well as in your home and car.
Its a battery operated cigarette alternative that produces no fire and is safe to use just about anywhere. Airlines, hospitals,and restaurants can now embrace the ECigarette as a way to allow customers to safelsmoke without the danger of fire or annoying other people nearby.
ECigarette does not contain the over 4000 POISONOUS substances and harmful CHEMICALS in real cigarette that causes heart attack and cancer, such as nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide, acetone, sulphuric acid and more.
The reasons that many people have turned to the electronic cigarette to deal with their nicotine addiction. Most smokers do not feel that it is the nicotine itself that poses tha most risk to them. The electric cigarette does not have any tar because there is no tobacco. It does not produce real smoke because there is no tobacco to be lit. The vast majority of chemicals are not present either because there is no tobacco. What they are left with is the nicotine in the form of a vapour that has very few chemicals to deal with.
Smokers feel much better about using this product because it does remove many of the risks associated with smoking. They realize that they are still addicted to the nicotine they are taking in, but it does give them much less to worry about while they are still allowing themselves to indulge in a mock smoking habit that they have become accustoned to. They might now view the electric cigarette as a perfect or even permanent solution to their nicotine addiction, but it does give them an opinion to be at least remove the tobacco from the equation.
Each manufacturer's ECigratte si designed slightly different, however all typically share similar parts. The inhaler is where a user places their mouth and inhales. This is also where the liquid that is to be converted into vapour is stored. The atomizing device is a heating device which heats the liquid to turn it into vapour. The battety component houses the electricity needed to power the atomizer. And then finally the indicator light is an LED light which lights up when a user inhales(thus simulating the same effects as smoking a real cigarette)
The electronic cigarette doesnot burn tobacco like a traditional cigarette, but instead electionically heats up a liquid (typically stored in cartridges) which turns the liquid into vapour, very much like steam, which them a user can inhale. The term "vaping" is something used in placed of "smoking" because technically you aren't breathing in smoke anymore. Normally the liquid is mixed with different flavours and nicotine so when a user inhales they can still get similar feelings to traditional smoking without all the health risks associated with traditional smoking.
Benefits of ECigarettes
Healthier than traditional tobacco cigarettes
somke in free areas: restaurents hotels etc.. (remember electronic cigarette creates vapour not smoke)
vapour is odour free so it keeps you and others from smelling of smoke
coolness factor, many celebbities are switching to ECigarettes now you can be just "cool"
Are ECigarettes dangerous for you?
While the dangers of electronic cigarette smoking are still being investigating the initial research has been very positive. The biggest health advantage electronic cigarettes have over tobacco cigarettes are that electronic cigarettes do not have all the carcinogenes created by burning and inhaling tobacco smoke. ECigarette create vapour which make it healthier than smoking.
Dr. Murray Laugesen, a leading researcher in the field of ECigarettes, smoking policy and cigarettes, summarized it well.
people "are not going to die from an ECigarette- but they could die tomorrow from a heart attack due to their smoking. The carcinogens that we have found are in very, very small quantities, just above the level of detection."
This means that the level of carcinogens in ECigarettes barely registers in the tests they conducted. The other concern people have is that the actual liquid that is converted into vapour may be dangerous for people. The liquid that is inhaled is a solition of nicotine, propylene glycol, and less commonly, glycerin. While propylene glycol and glycerin might sound scary these chemicals are all approved by the FDA and are commonly used food additives such as cake mixes, salad dressings and soft drinks.
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